Friday, January 22, 2010

DO NOW: Write a post to your blog explaining which project you like most and why? Explain which project you liked least and why?

I liked the imovie the best because it was the most exciting and interesting it was also the most funnest to do. 
The one i least like was the powerpoint because it was the hardest for me and it was not that fun to do.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

EXIT QUESTION:  What did you accomplish today? How will you complete this weeks project.  If I give you one extra day next Wednesday after Thanksgiving Break how will ensure all projects are complete?This week you will take a 3 week exam over the last 3 weeks techknowledge what will you do to prepare for this test?                                   
 today i accomplished reading an artical. I was starting to write when class was over. I am going to try to finish this weeks project by reading faster and typing faster. I might finish by next week on wednesday if i hurry up and catch up. I am going to study very hard until i learn them by memory. This is what i am going to do to prepare for this weeks test.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

EXIT QUESTION:  What did you accomplish today? How will you complete this weeks project.  If I give you one extra day next Wednesday after Thanksgiving Break how will ensure all projects are complete?This week you will take a 3 week exam over the last 3 weeks techknowledge what will you do to prepare for this test?  

I accomplished today writing the title on the page.I also tried to put the picture. this is what i accomplished today.

Friday, November 13, 2009

week 11

EXIT QUESTION:  Next week you will take a 3 week exam over the last 3 weeks techknowledge what can you do to prepare for this test?

Something that i could do is study all of my tech booklets, to get a good grade on my test. Another thing i could do is have someone read me the question and for me to answer them. these are some ways to prepare for  this weeks test.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Week's project

Mrs. Hinojosa  the topic I am working on this week is photography.