EXIT QUESTION: What did you accomplish today? How will you complete this weeks project. If I give you one extra day next Wednesday after Thanksgiving Break how will ensure all projects are complete?This week you will take a 3 week exam over the last 3 weeks techknowledge what will you do to prepare for this test?
today i accomplished reading an artical. I was starting to write when class was over. I am going to try to finish this weeks project by reading faster and typing faster. I might finish by next week on wednesday if i hurry up and catch up. I am going to study very hard until i learn them by memory. This is what i am going to do to prepare for this weeks test.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
EXIT QUESTION: What did you accomplish today? How will you complete this weeks project. If I give you one extra day next Wednesday after Thanksgiving Break how will ensure all projects are complete?This week you will take a 3 week exam over the last 3 weeks techknowledge what will you do to prepare for this test?
I accomplished today writing the title on the page.I also tried to put the picture. this is what i accomplished today.
EXIT QUESTION: Next week you will take a 3 week exam over the last 3 weeks techknowledge what can you do to prepare for this test?
Something that i could do is study all of my tech booklets, to get a good grade on my test. Another thing i could do is have someone read me the question and for me to answer them. these are some ways to prepare for this weeks test.